Special Deals & VIP Members Area

“Vip Membership Competition”
LaserWar NZ offer’s our VIP Membership a monthly competition draw.
“Free” Mobile LaserTag x6 Package Valued @ $219.00.
Simply enter your details in the VIP Members form on the right side of this page and go in the draw to win a fantastic hosted game LaserTag party package at your location.
Invite x6 friends or family to enjoy a action packed non-contact LaserTag experience.
LaserTag is suitible for 5- 105 age group, the perfect fun family action game that all can enjoy.
“Vip Membership 10% off Deals”
LaserWar NZ offers our VIP subscribed Members 10% off our LaserTag 7+ Party Packages.
Simply subscribe filling in your member details on right of page and get our special deals.
Make all payments to account payable to:
Adrenalin Sports NZ Ltd,
ANZ 01 0721 0052417 00
Reff: Name and or Phone Number

VIP Membership Form
Already a “VIP member” all you need to do is Ring 022 5273763 or email lasertagnz@gmail make your booking and we will do the rest.